Everybody has a story.
Some of my earliest memories are from sitting in front of my old television and dust-laden N64, cross legged with controller in hand, perusing Kakariko Village for whatever it had to offer. I remember sailing the open sea with no idea where to go, enjoying the beautiful soundtrack that accompanied my journey. I remember listening keenly to the Lost Woods music, trying to figure my way through the labyrinth. Whether you’re playing an Ocarina, conducting the winds, plucking a harp, or simply bobbing your head along to those famous bleep-bloops we all know, there’s no doubting music has played an integral role in The Legend of Zelda franchise. Reminiscing about a certain scene may pique a sense of remembrance, but hearing the familiar tunes that were the partner to our every adventure, especially in such a beautiful manner, is the ultimate nostalgia overflow that is provided by the The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses Second Quest.
An Ocarina of Time medley brought me back to the times I spent playing video games at about seven years old. I would always beg my mother to come watch me play, as though I needed a witness to my progress – a sort of validation I craved at such a young age. She would read me the strategy guide, and just as always, her guiding hand was exactly what I would follow. Each temple proved difficult for such a young mind as my own, but her help was exactly what I needed to persevere. Each time I would forget which C buttons to press for a song, she would look intently through the guide to help me. She didn’t care much for video games, but I did, and she recognized it. I didn’t see it much then, but as I look back now, I realize how important it was that she supported Link’s adventure – our adventure – through Hyrule.
I came home from school one day in 2003 to a sticky note on my front door. “Hi Brett! Go to the silverware drawer in the kitchen.” As I peered into the drawer, another sticky note welcomed me, leading me through a journey of about twenty separate notes strewn throughout my house. As my adventure through the McLeod Temple ended, I was greeted by The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Such a small moment in my life, that at the time probably was more of a burden than anything to relish, but looking back, it is the first memory that I relive when hearing the Sailing Theme from Wind Waker. My mother went through all of the trouble of setting up a scavenger hunt just to get me excited. Video games are a distraction, a hobby, and an endless time sink to most parents, but my mother recognized the magic instilled in those cartridges, discs, and my mind.
It was 2006, and the Nintendo Wii had just launched. Supply was scant, but I knew I needed one – The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess had launched alongside it, and I hadn’t missed a Zelda game to date. I missed the pre-order window, but rumors had spread that Gamestop was getting supply on Black Friday. At 4 a.m., my mother, my cousin, and my aunt lined up outside Gamestop about an hour from my home. My cousin and I had been fifth and sixth in line, and there was no telling how many Wii consoles they had received. Still, we waited patiently, and my mother stood by my side, almost as excited as I was. Finally, they let us in, and it’s revealed they had just six consoles. As we left with our brand new consoles, and copies of the new Zelda in hand, I couldn’t have smiled any larger.
When hearing the fully orchestrated sounds from my childhood accompanied by the videos of the stories foretold, I think not of the story of Link, but my own story. I cannot urge you enough, whether you’ve grown up a Zelda fan, or grown up with one, to see The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses Second Quest. This concert is much less about the story being told on the screen, but rather the story you were living as the series grew with you. There is no better story that can be told beside your own, and this concert tells it better than anyone ever could.
Make sure to see if Symphony of the Goddesses is coming to a city near you. You can also check out my interview with Lead Creative, and Producer of the show, Jeron Moore.