On November 8th Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 will hit store shelves and will also release a new way to play the Call of Duty series with Call of Duty Elite. The Elite service will keep track of stats, maps, weapons, and make sure players get the most out of the game that they will be investing their time in. These three videos will show players what they can expect from the upcoming service. For those players who purchase the Modern Warfare 3 hardened edition they will receive a redeem token for one year of the service that will include tons of the features showcased below and much more.
With all the different aspects of what Call of Duty Elite has to offer let us know what you think of the service and remember that some of these features will be free and some will require a subscription. Let us know in the comments below if you will be taking advantage of the free services or will be making the jump to a subscription. See you online soon when Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 hits shelves on November 8th.