Rhianna Pratchett, the lead writer behind the original Mirror’s Edge, will not be returning to work on the sequel. When questioned via Twitter, Pratchett explained that she was never asked to reprise her role.
It’s really lovely that people care enough to ask whether I’m involved with Mirror’s Edge 2, but I’m not & wasn’t asked.
It’s possible that this decision has something to do with her reaction to Mirror’s Edge post-release, as she’s been pretty vocal about her problems with the game. Pratchett expounded further on Twitter, reiterating that she felt the script was “hacked up.”
I doubt she’s hurting for work however, considering one of her most recent projects was the Tomb Raider reboot released early last year. Her list of credits goes on to include the Overworld series and Bioshock Infinite. Will this affect your willingness to play Mirror’s Edge 2? Let us know below.
Via VideoGamer.com