Giving the gift of a digital game has long been a feature of Valve’s PC game client, Steam, and has resulted in thousands of games being gifted to friends and families. A while after launch, this may be a feature for the Xbox One as well.
According to Video Gamer, Major Nelson of Microsoft has stated on Reddit that the idea is “a great feature that we’d like to add in someday, but it won’t be there a launch.” Hopefully they integrate it soon; with the industry skewing ever-more-heavily towards digital gaming, gifting will be a very quick and convenient means of delivering a game to a friend from and endless pool, avoiding retail lines to boot. It’s just convenient, and that’s a slice of the pie everyone wants in on.
Microsoft has many other unspecific things planned as well, and the future of the console will see plenty of support for the console. It releases on November 22.
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