5. Deadpool (2013, High Moon Studios and Activision; Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC)
Originally a shameless rip-off of DC Comics’ Slade “Deathstroke the Terminator” Wilson, Wade “Deadpool” Wilson quickly became Marvel’s go-to comedy character and gained a cult following among comic fans as a fourth-wall-breaking, obscenely violent wisecracker who knows he’s nothing more than a comic book character. That’s a very narrow target to hit when translating him to another medium, and its a translation that’s rarely pulled off – be it Ryan Reynolds’ turn as the character in X-Men Origins: Wolverine or his appearance in games like Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. So when developer High Moon Studios announced they were working on a game with the Merc With a Mouth in the starring role, some fans were naturally wary. Luckily, the dev slid into the skid, as it were, embracing the meta insanity that defines Deadpool. Much like his comic book counterpart, Deadpool knows he’s in a video game. Critically, reviews on the game were mixed, but it’s hard to deny the game didn’t capture the spirit of the character perfectly.