Main character dies, Riley saves the day
The Call of Duty series is no stranger to killing off characters. With no real tie to any of the new characters in the game we’re likely only to get attached to one, possibly two, characters. With man’s best friend by his side, we’re predicting that we could see the main character die and Riley survive.
As Riley saves the day, he’ll return back to his owner to find that he’s dying. We’ll be treated with a sentimental moment where Riley whimpers and lays near his owner, until a supporting character helps take him away. This ultimately sets up Riley to be a featured character going forward, and allows Infinity Ward to let Riley honor his first owner.
Regardless of what path they choose for Riley, we don’t envy the choice that Infinity Ward has obviously made at this point. What do you want Infinity Ward to do with the dog? Do you want Riley to survive or do you think he’ll end up dying?
Be sure to let us know what you think by leaving us a comment below, or continue the discussion on Facebook and Twitter.