Update: Nintendo announced today that it will be dropping the price of the Deluxe Edition of the Wii U to $299.99 and with it the price of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD bundle will also be $299.99. The bundle includes the previously mentioned gold writing on a black Wii U, a download code for The Wind Waker HD and a digital copy of Hyrule Historia. The bundle will be available on Sep. 20, the same day of the Wii U price drop, as well as the digital release of The Wind Waker HD. The retail release of The Wind Waker HD will still be on Oct. 4.
Original story:
Nintendo’s releasing a first-party title once every month until the rest of the year. September is for The Wonderful 101 and we knew The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD was coming sometime in October, but now we have a definite date.
It won’t be very far in the month but you’ll be getting your (much faster) sailing on October 4. It has a wide array of improvements such as smoother graphics for the HD crowd, a new Hero Mode that makes it more challenging, a re-worked Triforce quest and new GamePad specific functions like Off-TV Play and Miiverse support.
In case you can’t haven’t picked up a Wii U yet, Nintendo will be bundling the game with the Deluxe Edition of the system for $349.99, same price as a regular Deluxe Edition. It also has a neat design on the Gamepad itself, similar to the Zelda 3DS from when Ocarina of Time 3D came out.
I don’t have a Wii U just yet and it might be silly to buy a system to replay a 10 year old game and with the PS4 and Xbox One around the corner, but Wind Waker is my favourite title in the series.
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Source: Destructoid