Thanks to Maxim, at least Microsoft would like you to thank Maxim, for the newly announced Dreadnaught map coming to Gears of War: Judgment. The new OverRun map will be free for a limited amount of time starting on May 15.
As a long time Gears fan, OverRun never really tickled my fancy, but free content is free content. Epic Games offered a description of the map via their website saying:
In the months immediately following Emergence Day, the COG managed to capture some Locust Berserkers. Thinking that a ship at sea would be safe from an underground enemy, the COG decided to transport their prize to a secure research facility via the CNV Pomeroy. Little did they know that the Locust had waterborne beasts from the underground rivers of the Hollow, or that the Locust soldiers would use them so relentlessly to rescue the captured Berserkers. The Pomeroy was corralled into a narrow channel and forced ashore, where the Locust sent a mass of troops to assault and overwhelm the beached vessel.
A fly-through of the map is now available on the Maxim app on Xbox Live.
Do you still play Gears of War: Judgment? Do you consider it a faithful installment in the franchise, or simply as a way of cashing in? Considering it only shipped with four maps, each map pack only contains three additional maps, and now Microsoft continues to make external deals to bring free content, I surely think the company is milking the franchise for all that it’s worth.
via Epic Games