Reddit user marcodj posted some images of the filming of a live-action GTA V trailer that took place in Mexico over the weekend.
“The guy in the suit of the last photo exits the totaled car while talking to the camera,” marcodj describes the ad, “as he makes his way out, the car explodes and he walks by the car under the trees while some other effects are set behind him (I managed to see these in a monitor) The shooting took place on Saturday April 20th and lasted until late Sunday.”
The images show several broken down cars, including one police car and another sedan that has been completely totaled after crashing into a lamp post. The third image includes a GTA V logo banner hanging on a wall.
Will we see a return to Rockstar’s classic live-action ads, like the one for GTA 2? Let us know what you think in the comments below or head over to our forums.
[youtube id=”SAerYPa-DCY” width=”620″ height=”360″]
Source Reddit