The first three Jak and Daxter games will soon be available on the PlayStation Vita. This June, remastered versions of Jak and Daxter: The Precurser Legacy, Jak 2, and Jak 3 can be yours for $29.99. Early last year, the same collection was released for the PS3, but the Vita version will have updated trophies. Check out the trailer below to see footage from each Jak and Daxter game.
[youtube id=FJGgvLSuTco width=”620″ height=”360″]
Developed by Naughty Dog, Jak and Daxter saw success during the PS2’s lifetime. However, the series has since been relegated to handheld releases, with Daxter receiving his own adventure on the PSP in 2006.
Do you have any fond memories of the series? Let us know in the comments below.