We’re off to Ionia in this week’s League of Legends skin sale. The assassins are out with Silverfang Akali, Ionian Master Yi, and Nightblade Irelia all on sale for 487, 487, and 260 Riot Points, respectively.
If you like Master Yi’s skin, he’s free this week, so you can get some hands on and try before you buy! Good deal, right?
Shen, Kennen, and Syndra are also on sale if you wish to spend some RP to expand your champion selection.
This skin sale only runs from April 12 to April 15, so make sure you pick up any deals you want to cash in on before then!
With Yi being free this week, I’ve been trying him out a lot and I’m probably going to pick him up after this week is over. Do you plan on taking up Riot on any of these offers?