Zombie Studios, makers of the popular Blacklight series and upcoming Unreal Engine 4 title Daylight, will be fielding questions today in a live question & answer segment. The folks over at Raptr are hosting the segment which takes place today from 1PM Eastern to 9PM Eastern.
In their typical fashion, Raptr will be giving away a few items to reward gamers for their participation. The top ten questions, as deemed by the Raptr staff, will earn will earn Blacklight hero characters MARS or Viper. Afraid you won’t be in the top ten for questions? Don’t worry, as Raptr weapon tag codes will also be released throughout the session today.
It’s a great chance to find out information on their upcoming title Daylight as well as earn a bit of swag for a game that you’re already playing. Head on over to Raptr today and take part in the live Q&A session!