According to a financial call with Time Warner last week (the transcript of which can be found at YahooFinance), Warner Games is set to release its next Arkham title in 2013.
According to the transcript, first picked up by VG24/7, Time Warner CFO John K. Martin seems optimistic about 2013’s fiscal potential, referring specifically to the launch of the next Arkham game.
Said Martin:
And we also have a strong games release this year, which will include the next release in the Batman Arkham franchise. So all in all, we expect Warners to post another very strong year in 2013. And with a little luck, the year should be as good or maybe even a little bit better than 2012.
It’s not yet known whether Martin’s reference to “2013” denotes “fiscal 2013” or “calendar 2013,” but at the very least–if all goes as planned–we should see the next Arkham game by early 2014.
Of course, in order to release a game, you have to reveal the game, which Warner Games has not yet officially done. The closest we’ve gotten is to spot a bunch of domain names that Warner Bros. snagged last month. VG24/7 says it’s confirmed with its own sources, however, that RockSteady Studios is not working on the new title.
And then there’s the question that we’ll hear more and more as we approach the end of this year: Will this game be targeted for the current generation of consoles, the next-generation, or will it be a dual-release? It probably doesn’t come as much of a shock that we have no idea come as a shock that we have no idea what the answer to that question is as of now.