Since our staff is responsible for covering pretty much everything related to the video game industry on a daily basis, it can be tough to post all the stories we think our readers would like to see. Videos go unwatched, new release dates are missed and silly quotes just float away without ever being heard. So, instead of ignoring the news that slipped through the cracks each week, we decided to put it all in one convenient place!
This week, we look at a few Nerf Guns inspired by the Halo franchise, check out a trailer for the console version of Terraria and dig into Activision’s next-generation plans.
Activision displaying next-gen rendering at GDC
The upcoming Game Developers Conference will hold a slew of fresh, interesting games just waiting to be experienced, but Activision Blizzard’s display of photorealistic characters for next-generation games and hardware may just be the most interesting spectacle.
Researcher Jorge Jimenez will be the man presenting the tech on a “plausible game rig.” One of the major goals of the studios’ work will be to “overcome the uncanny valley with next-gen run-time techniques and good artistic direction.”
Techniques for subsurface scattering rendering, eye shading, anti-aliasing, depth of field, and film grain will all be shown to the public. Look to hear more when GDC opens March 25.
‘Aliens: Colonial Marines’ receives kick ass trailer
[youtube id=”PgY7PEaJmNo” width=”620″ height=”360″]
Vita the most-desired console in Japan
It may not be lighting the world ablaze in terms of sales figures, but a new survey given to “core game enthusiasts” paints the handheld as the most-desired console in Japan.
The questinoaire was conducted and published by Famitsu, one of Japan’s most popular gaming magazines. The full list of systems can be found below:
- PS Vita – 64%
- 3DS – 48%
- Wii U – 34%
- PS3 – 25%
- PC – 14%
- Xbox 360 – 11%
- Smartphone – 10%
- PSP – 10%
- Wii – 9%
- iPad – 7%
- DSi / DSiXL – 5%
- iPhone – 5%
- iPod Touch – 4%
- Other – 2%
What’s important to note is that the Vita has the smallest install base of all the consoles in the region, so it may be the “most desired” because people just don’t own one yet. All the specifics to how the data was gathered are unclear, so it’s difficult to dig too deep into the results without further knowledge.
‘Terraria’ trailer displays new content for consoles
[youtube id=”n4HozHe2N88″ width=”620″ height=”360″]
Intricate Nerf Guns inspired by ‘Halo 4’ appear
I’d like to think that no matter which side of the fence you sit on when it comes to gun control, you can appreciate the beautiful work done by this artist who loves both Halo and Nerf Guns.
Deviant Art enthusiast Thomas Schmidt has seemingly played quite a bit of Halo 4, and his love for 343 Industries’ first-person experience has led him to create the weapons out of Nerf Guns.
The results? Just take a look below.
You can see all of Schmidt’s work over at his page.
‘Wildman’ gameplay footage by Gas Powered Games may save the studio
[youtube id=”a1NmN9_-KLE” width=”620″ height=”360″]