We all know how excited everyone is about the upcoming Borderlands 2. I’ve been counting the days for quite some time now. Having played it at E3 and PAX East has made it no easier. It has, however, made it easier for me to decide which character to play. For those of you who haven’t had a chance to play it yet, Gearbox has released the skill trees for all four characters, allowing you to plan every single point until you reach the level cap.
It’s interesting to see how each character ends up with completely different skills that are buffed, but this will hopefully help you decide as you weigh and value which areas you’d rather have bonuses applied to. If you’re looking to do some sniping or some melee action, check out Zero. Salvador on the other hand deals with all out damage including duel wielding two weapons with his special ability. Maya is the support class, allowing you to incapacitate enemies and restore health to your friends. Axton has his handy-dandy turret which can deal massive damage, at the same time, his buffs affect pretty much every area of his character.
The question is, where will you focus all your efforts? Go ahead and fill out all 50 levels of skill points, but make sure you come back and share them with us!