Alright Gears fans, it is time to blow something up and show your true patriotic colors! Even if those colors are blood red, bone marrow white, and the dreamy blue eyes of Baird. Here is the official details posted from the community page below:
In honor of the 4th of July, we’ll be holding a special Gears of War 3 event starting today! There will be 2x XP in Versus, Beast and Horde, and there will be a special “Top Wingman” playlist with alpha rules.
Also, you’ll be able to select a custom event skin for each weapon!
Everyone have a safe and happy holiday and enjoy that 2x XP!
This is a repeat of the ribbon from 11/21/2011 to 12/1/2011 and it is live now!
Have a great time playing and ranking up, let us know what you think of the event and what level you achievieved when the event is over in the comments below or give us a shout in the forums!