Londoners might have to wait an extra 3 days to get their hands on Battlefield 3, but a free tank ride to work might just make the delay worthwhile. In what had to be an unusual sight for the average morning rush hour in London, EA commissioned a fleet of “tanksis” (get it?) adorned with the Battlefield 3 logo to parade the capitol’s streets and offer citizens free rides to work.
According to Electronic Arts’ Tom Goldberger, “Tanksis have been brought to the Capital to make the urban battlefield that is London’s roads more of a joy than the daily chore they currently are. We wanted to launch Battlefield 3 in style and are looking forward to ferrying excited game fans and commuters around the city today.”
Battlefield 3 released Tuesday in the United States and is now available in the United Kingdom for the Xbox 360, PC, and Playstation 3.